CWPH Executive Health Program
he Center for Women's Psychological Health offers a unique Executive
Health Program to address the concerns of working women and their families. CWPH recognizes that productive working women face challenges and choices
that are often gender specific. Today's women must flexibly produce, advance, and balance in a constantly changing environment.The CWPH Executive Health Program
works with women employees and their families to address personal, psychological and work related issues that might disrupt employment satisfaction and productivity, or interfere with career
decisions and pathways. Increasingly, businesses and organizations are recognizing the challenge of recruiting, retaining and advancing women
employees. Women may "make it" to key managerial positions, yet face significant obstacles and barriers to remaining in such jobs. Additionally,
women are entering small businesses and entrepreneur ventures in record numbers, in part because of the advancement difficulties encountered in
organizations. For women with partners or families, decisions regarding dual career relationships, and shifting family responsibilities, may radically change
their positioning and capacity for traditional advancement in an organization. Many companies have made significant organizational changes, particularly
around flexibility and part-time employment options, diversity and gender training, mentoring/networking, and innovative work team structures. However,
the problems of retention and advancement of women to top managerial positions remain. Furthermore, working women and their organizations often
struggle with the impact of personal change and psychological issues on productivity and success at work. The CWPH Executive Health Program offers interventions and solutions to these dilemmas.
The CWPH Executive Health Program is staffed by senior, Harvard Medical School affiliated psychiatrists and psychologists who are experts in the area of
women's psychological development and the issues today's women face in diverse work settings. The Executive Health Program staff will consult with
clients to assess and develop solutions for personal and work-related issues such as the following:
professional goals and career decisions
negotiation skills and job coaching
psychological, relationship or family issues
impasses to professional development
leadership style and development
dual career relationship issues
balance of work and family life