Advancing Women at Work: Conflicts, Challenges, Contributions March 3, 2000
Conference Audio Tape Order Form
Relational Theory in the Workplace - Judith Jordan, Ph. D.
Women's Ways of Organizing - Kristine Rondeau
Helping Organizations Address Gender Issues
- Deborah Kolb, Ph.D.
Taking Charge: The Female Entrepreneur - Andrea Silbert, M.B.A.
5. The Changing Face of Leadership - Laura Liswood, J.D., M.B.A.
6. Panel Discussion
- J. Jordan, K. Rondeau, D. Kolb
Tapes may be purchased for $15 each, including postage and handling.
Please circle the number corresponding to the tape(s) you wish to order. Send this form, and a check or money order in the exact amount to: The Center for Women's Psycholgical Health
9 Meriam Street - Suite #22 Lexington, MA 02420 Attn: Conference TapesName: Address:
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Number of Tapes: Amount Enclosed: